About Us

Welcome to Losekilos! Our goal is to offer you safe and effective weight loss solutions that are enjoyable and sustainable. We believe in using natural products and ingredients that are carefully selected for their effectiveness and safety. Our products are backed by scientific research and are formulated to help you achieve your weight loss goals without any harmful side effects.

We also believe that weight loss should be a positive and supportive journey. That’s why we offer a variety of resources, including expert advice, healthy recipes, and fitness tips to help you stay motivated and reach your goals. Join our community of like-minded individuals who are committed to achieving their weight loss goals in a safe and healthy way. We are dedicated to providing you with high-quality products and outstanding customer service, and we are always here to support you on your weight loss journey.

Slim Lite Fat Burner

Become an Ambassador

What is an Ambassador?

By becoming an Ambassador, you are becoming a Slim Lite Distrubutor. This gives you the opportunity to buy the product wholesale.

How much extra income are we talking about?

It depends on how much time you want to spend. Our full time Ambassadors are making millions per year. Our part time Ambassadors can make anything from a few hundreds of thousands per year.
Slim Lite is also unique because you make money selling Slim Lite products and also giving other people the opportunity.
If you get 1 person a week to try any Slim Lite Product, you will make a few thousands a month.
One of our amazing leads, Sade, started by telling 1 person about Slim Lite products per a day. Day after day, more people joined her team and the Slim Lite Opportunity. Today, she is an allstar making over N200,000 every other week. But the amazing part is that anyone can do it!


What if I am not good at selling?

You do not need to be an aggressive sales person to make money off Slim Lite Products. Once people notice that you’re losing weight and getting healthy, the product will sell itself. You’ll be amazed at how many people will come up to you and ask how you did it. Then, all you’ll have to do is point them to our website www.losekilos.net

Do I need to buy and resell the product?

It’s entirely up to you. You can point people to our website or you can buy and resell the product.

How much does it cost me to become an ambassador?

The cost is N125,000 and it gives you the opportunity to make N185,000 a week. Also, when you first start, you get to receive a welcome package for free.
And if you choose to only refer people to our site you receive N10,000 for every 5 people you refer.


The Slim Lite Compensation Plan is designed based on the principles of teamwork and the idea that success is a result of helping others succeed. From the new person to the experienced leader and everyone in between, our plan is designed to reward performance and help you generate a long-term, part-time or full-time income.

Would you like to get Slim Lite Products for free? Or you would like to make an extra income?

If the answer if YES, then you should get ready to join our team as Slim Lite Ambassador.

If you are not sure what Slim Lite does,you should order the 3 Day Trial & Decision Pack for N1700 ONLY!


Our products are not intended for treating a health problem or disease. Contact your healthcare provider immediately if you suspect that you have a medical problem.

Information and statements have not been evaluated by the National Administration For Food and Drug Control (NAFDAC) and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease or health condition.

Slim Lite assumes no liability for inappropriate use of our products.

Delivery Methods

Standard delivery rate within Lagos is ‎₦1,000 flat

  •  Ikorodu, Ikotun, Badagry, Ojo – ‎₦1,500

Standard delivery rate outside Lagos through a courier company is ‎₦1,500 flat

  • DHL doorstep delivery outside Lagos is ₦2,000

All doorstep delivery